Type | |
Stats | 269 155 |
Reviews | (43) |
Published | Jun 16, 2024 |
Base Model | |
Training | Steps: 3,555 Epochs: 6 |
Usage Tips | Clip Skip: 2 Strength: 0.9 |
Hash | AutoV2 203B56B520 |
Trained on 79 images drawn by SeeDark (Jeong Hoon Park), the art director and original artist of PangYa. He passed away from leukemia in 2009. He was 29 years old. This was made out of love and respect for his art. I can't read/speak/write Korean, sorry. Please use an online translator.
Pony v3: Finally got a decent result, using this tutorial. I guess it was either because I wasn't using Lycoris, or because I used the score/source tags. Note that the style isn't always obvious, eg. the Karin/Ganyu/Mona pics in the gallery. Maybe because the dataset isn't very big?
Pony v3: やっと良い結果が作れました。このチュートリアル使いました。問題はLycorisじゃなかったからか、scoreとsourceタグを使ったからか、よくわかりません。今でも、なぜか絵のスタイルがはっきり表現されない場合があります。例:ギャラリーのモナ、カリンと甘雨の画像。データセットが割と小さいからかな?
SD1.5 v11: Trained with NAI. v1.0 was with AnyLoRA. I used newer methods and settings for v11, so it should give better results. I don't know why it's a Lycoris. I just used the same settings I used to make LoRAs.
SD1.5 v11: 今回はノベルAIでトレーニングしました。1.0の時はAnyLoRAでした。v11には新しい方法と設定で作ったから、前より良い結果が出るはずです。なんでリコリスになったかわかりません。いつものLoRA設定を使っただけですから。
Recommended weight(おすすめウエイト):
Pony v3: 0.8-1.2
SD1.5: Results vary, but 0.5-1.0 seem to be good. This mostly affects characters. I haven't tested with other models or male characters. May be difficult to use with other LoRAs, but you may be able to get around it by using detailed prompts, IMG2IMG, and/or ControlNet.
v11 Training settings used(v11のトレーニング設定):
Model: NAI
Batch Size: 2
Epoch: 20
Max Train steps: 2500
Save every 5 Epochs
Mixed/Save precision: bf16
CPU threads per core: 2
Seed: 123456789
Cache Latents
LR Scheduler: Cosine
Optimizer: DAdaptation
Max grad norm: 1
Optimizer extra arguments: "decouple=True" "weight_decay=0.4" "betas=0.9,0.99"
Learning rate: 1
LR warmup (% of steps): 0.1
LR number of cycles: 3
Max res: 768,768
Enable buckets
Minimum bucket res: 256
Max bucket res: 2048
Text Encoder learning rate: 0
Unet learning rate: 0
Network Rank (Dimension): 32
Network Alpha: 16
Scale weight normies: 1
Network dropout: 0.3
Rank dropout: 0.2
Module dropout: 0.2
Keep n tokens: 0
Clip skip: 2
Max token length: 75
Shuffle caption
Memory efficient attention
Crossattention: xformers
Min SNR Gamma: 5
Don't upscale bucket resolutoin
Bucket res steps: 64
Noise offset type: Original
Noise offset: 0.05
Adaptive noise scale: 0.005
The other options are probably default.
v1.0 Training settings used(v1.0のトレーニング設定):
Model: AnyLoRA
79 images
5 Repeats
Batch 2
Epoch 20
Seed: 31337
Learning rate: 0.0005
Cosine with restarts
5% warmup
Text Encoder learning rate: 1e-4
Unet learning rate: 5e-4
Network Rank (Dimension): 8
Network Alpha: 4
Convolution Rank (Dimension): 4
Convolution Alpha: 1
Max res: 576, 576
Min SNR gamma: 5
All other settings should be default.
Since the moment I first saw LoRAs, I've always wanted to try making this. It's my first style LoRA. It took 3 days of trial and error. LoRA/LoCon failed many times: grotesque body parts, image changing too much, background becoming ugly, etc. I was about to give up and tried LoHa once. It was a success.
I used images from Danbooru, Google, and also some I saved when I played PangYa 20 years ago. I also used IMG2IMG to resize and clean some images. I did not include images that were too different from his Pangya art style.
借りたイメージはDanbooru, グーグル、そして20年前パンヤをやった時に保存したイメージを使いました。IMG2IMGでイメージをリサイズと綺麗にもしました。パンヤの絵よりスタイル違いすぎるイメージを使いませんでした。