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Majestic Maidens: Medieval Splendor - Awesome prompt lists

Jun 11, 2023
Base Model
SD 1.5

Medieval Charms: From Armored Songstress to Embroidered Elegance, this pack transports you to enchanting realms of knights, castles, and breathtaking landscapes.

Note: This is the first time the sample images are using textual embeddings, check generation info in images to see more details.


Useful for when you want to create images and later go through and pick out the best creations. These prompts are randomly generated every time I generate new lists.

I use them in conjunction with a stable diffusion image viewer I have written where I view thousands of images I've created to find:

  1. Good prompts that have an art style I like

  2. Good prompts that create really good images

  3. Good compositions ๐Ÿ‘

Dataset description

  • Combination list contains prompts from both lists

  • Example prompt for medieval_clothing: Opulent gown made of rich velvet, with a tightly fitted bodice, high waistline, and a full skirt with layers of silk, Maven, Average Height, in shape, Diamond-Shaped Face, Fair Skin, Light Brown Hair, teal Eyes, [[Curved Nose]], Thick Lips, Prominent Chin, Shoulder-Length Hair, Straight Hair, Formal Updo, small breasts, Dangle earrings, orange satin lipstick, Stately medieval manor surrounded by manicured gardens and a tranquil moat

  • Example prompt for female_in_armor: Armor with protective gauntlets, breastplate, and platelegs, Maven, Average Height, in shape, Diamond-Shaped Face, Fair Skin, Light Brown Hair, teal Eyes, [[Curved Nose]], Thick Lips, Prominent Chin, Shoulder-Length Hair, Straight Hair, Formal Updo, small breasts, Dangle earrings, orange satin lipstick, Stately medieval manor surrounded by manicured gardens and a tranquil moat

  • Example prompt for female_by_castles_clad_in_armor: Armor with protective gauntlets, breastplate, and platelegs, Maven, Average Height, in shape, Diamond-Shaped Face, Fair Skin, Light Brown Hair, teal Eyes, [[Curved Nose]], Thick Lips, Prominent Chin, Shoulder-Length Hair, Straight Hair, Formal Updo, small breasts, Dangle earrings, orange satin lipstick, Fortified castle on a hill, Shimmering luster that adds a touch of elegance and allure

  • Example prompt for female_in_horse_carriage: Opulent gown made of rich velvet, with a tightly fitted bodice, high waistline, and a full skirt with layers of silk, Maven, Average Height, in shape, Diamond-Shaped Face, Fair Skin, Light Brown Hair, teal Eyes, [[Curved Nose]], Thick Lips, Prominent Chin, Shoulder-Length Hair, Straight Hair, Formal Updo, small breasts, Dangle earrings, orange satin lipstick, inside (( Simple horse carriage with minimal decoration )), Stately medieval manor surrounded by manicured gardens and a tranquil moat

  • Example prompt for armored_posing: Armor with protective gauntlets, breastplate, and platelegs, Maven, Average Height, in shape, Diamond-Shaped Face, Fair Skin, Light Brown Hair, teal Eyes, [[Curved Nose]], Thick Lips, Prominent Chin, Shoulder-Length Hair, Straight Hair, Formal Updo, small breasts, Dangle earrings, orange satin lipstick, Lying on the back with legs raised and hands supporting the lower back, Stately medieval manor surrounded by manicured gardens and a tranquil moat

  • Example prompt for medieval_clothing_posing: Opulent gown made of rich velvet, with a tightly fitted bodice, high waistline, and a full skirt with layers of silk, Maven, Average Height, in shape, Diamond-Shaped Face, Fair Skin, Light Brown Hair, teal Eyes, [[Curved Nose]], Thick Lips, Prominent Chin, Shoulder-Length Hair, Straight Hair, Formal Updo, small breasts, Dangle earrings, orange satin lipstick, Lying on the back with legs raised and hands supporting the lower back, Stately medieval manor surrounded by manicured gardens and a tranquil moat


If you got feedback just comment.


  1. Open automatic1111 SD / any other SD creation tool with similar prompt file input

  2. Select <Script> --> Prompts from file or textbox

  3. Drop file or copy paste contents in the "List of prompts inputs"

  4. To view information on images you have created you can use "PNG Info" tab in Automatic1111.