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Pokemons with NoobAI/Illustrious: Gotta make them all !

Pokemons with NoobAI/Illustrious: Gotta make them all !

The NoobAi trigger words list for e621 doesn't have any pokemon in it, because they're tagged as species on the website. The model merges e621 and danbooru pictures, which means that it can have a lot of accuracy at making pokemon, you just don't know how much.

That's why I tried to make every single pokémon, regional forms and mega evolutions by using NoobAi, specifically Epsilon Pred 1.1:

NoobAi is based on Illustrious, so you should very likely get the same kind of results by using any Illustrious based model.

I then ranked how accurate it was at making the pokemon, and I wrote the results in an excel document that you can find in the attachements. There are some filters, as well as a lot of additionnal notes.

The base prompt I used was this one:

furry, solo,
POKEMON NAME, pokemon, pokemon \(creature\), pokemon \(species\), ADDITIONNAL DETAIL 1, ADIITIONNAL DETAIL 2,
full body,
simple background,
best quality, masterpiece,

Here's the accuracy scale

Great: You can perfectly generate the pokémon with no additionnal prompting except in some rare cases like Snorlax, where you need "Closed eyes". You'll very likely be able to generate a great anthro version too.

Good: You can almost perfectly generate the pokémon, and with good prompting, you can reach near perfection. It can have some inaccurate details, but they're very minor. You'll very likely be able to generate a great anthro version as well.

Mid: The pokemon is clearly recognised, and the model tried its hardest to generate it. You'll find plenty of errors, some minor and other majors, but the pokémon will still mostly be recognisable. Sometimes (Like Espathra for instance) it only has troubles generating the body, which means you can make a good looking anthro version.

Bad: You'll very likely get a random creature that take on some features from the pokemon. You most likely won't be able to get a good result even with additionnal prompts.

None: You won't get anything ressembling the pokemon whatsoever OR it's an alternate form that doesn't look any different from its base form.

Below you will find the accuracy of each pokemon, but with no additional notes. The pokemons will be in the order of which gen they appeared. This includes mega and regionals, which means mega will be in gen 6, and regionals will be in their respective gen.

Tell me in the comments if there's any way to improve this. I had to generate all 1159 pokémons, forms included, multiple times, but it's possible I made some errors.

I'll also add Loras for pokémons that don't have great accuracy.


  1. Bulbasaur: Great

  2. Ivysaur: Great

  3. Venusaur: Great

  4. Charmander: Great

  5. Charmeleon: Great

  6. Charizard: Great

  7. Squirtle: Great

  8. Wartortle: Great

  9. Blastoise: Great

  10. Caterpie: Great

  11. Metapod: Mid

  12. Butterfree: Great

  13. Weedle: Good

  14. Kakuna: Bad

  15. Beedrill: Great

  16. Pidgey: None

  17. Pidgeotto: Great

  18. Pidgeot: Great

  19. Rattata: Great

  20. Raticate: Great

  21. Spearow: Mid

  22. Fearow: Good

  23. Ekans: Good

  24. Arbok: Great

  25. Pikachu: Great

  26. Raichu: Great

  27. Sandshrew: Great

  28. Sandslash: Great

  29. Nidoran f: Good

  30. Nidorina: Great

  31. Nidoqueen: Great

  32. Nidoran m: Good

  33. Nidorino: Great

  34. Nidoking: Great

  35. Clefairy: Great

  36. Clefable: Great

  37. Vulpix: Great

  38. Ninetales: Great

  39. Jigglypuff: Great

  40. Wigglytuff: Great

  41. Zubat: Great

  42. Golbat: Good

  43. Oddish: Great

  44. Gloom: None

  45. Vileplume: Great

  46. Paras: Great

  47. Parasect: Good

  48. Venonat: Great

  49. Venomoth: Mid

  50. Diglett: Great

  51. Dugtrio: Mid

  52. Meowth: Great

  53. Persian: Great

  54. Psyduck: Great

  55. Golduck: Great

  56. Mankey: Great

  57. Primeape: Great

  58. Growlithe: Great

  59. Arcanine: Great

  60. Poliwag: Great

  61. Poliwhirl: Great

  62. Poliwrath: Great

  63. Abra: Great

  64. Kadabra: Good

  65. Alakazam: Great

  66. Machop: Great

  67. Machoke: Great

  68. Machamp: Great

  69. Bellsprout: Mid

  70. Weepinbell: Bad

  71. Victreebel: Mid

  72. Tentacool: Mid

  73. Tentacruel: Good

  74. Geodude: Good

  75. Graveler: Good

  76. Golem: Bad

  77. Ponyta: Good

  78. Rapidash: Great

  79. Slowpoke: Great

  80. Slowbro: Good

  81. Magnemite: Great

  82. Magneton: Good

  83. Farfetch'd: Great

  84. Doduo: Mid

  85. Dodrio: Mid

  86. Seel: Mid

  87. Dewgong: Great

  88. Grimer: Great

  89. Muk: Great

  90. Shellder: Mid

  91. Cloyster: Good

  92. Gastly: Great

  93. Haunter: Great

  94. Gengar: Great

  95. Onix: Mid [LORA by CranPeach]

  96. Drowzee: Great

  97. Hypno: Great

  98. Krabby: Great

  99. Kingler: Bad

  100. Voltorb: Good

  101. Electrode: Mid

  102. Exeggcute: Good

  103. Exeggutor: Good

  104. Cubone: Great

  105. Marowak: Great

  106. Hitmonlee: Bad

  107. Hitmonchan: Bad

  108. Lickitung: Great

  109. Koffing: Great

  110. Weezing: Good

  111. Rhyhorn: Great

  112. Rhydon: Great

  113. Chansey: Great

  114. Tangela: Good

  115. Kangaskhan: Great

  116. Horsea: Good

  117. Seadra: None

  118. Goldeen: Good

  119. Seaking: Mid

  120. Staryu: Great

  121. Starmie: Great

  122. Mr. Mime: Good

  123. Scyther: Great

  124. Jynx: Good

  125. Electabuzz: Great

  126. Magmar: Mid

  127. Pinsir: Good

  128. Tauros: Great

  129. Magikarp: Great

  130. Gyarados: Great

  131. Lapras: Great

  132. Ditto: Mid

  133. Eevee: Great

  134. Vaporeon: Great

  135. Jolteon: Great

  136. Flareon: Great

  137. Porygon: Bad [LORA by pihlawrkr738]

  138. Omanyte: Mid

  139. Omastar: Bad

  140. Kabuto: Bad

  141. Kabutops: Good

  142. Aerodactyl: Great

  143. Snorlax: Great

  144. Articuno: Great

  145. Zapdos: Great

  146. Moltres: Good

  147. Dratini: Great

  148. Dragonair: Great

  149. Dragonite: Great

  150. Mewtwo: Great

  151. Mew: Great



  1. Chikorita: Great

  2. Bayleef: Great

  3. Meganium: Great

  4. Cyndaquil: Great

  5. Quilava: Great

  6. Typhlosion: Great

  7. Totodile: Great

  8. Croconaw: Great

  9. Feraligatr: Great

  10. Sentret: Great

  11. Furret: Great

  12. Hoothoot: Great

  13. Noctowl: Great

  14. Ledyba: Bad

  15. Ledian: Bad

  16. Spinarak: None

  17. Ariados: Mid

  18. Crobat: Good

  19. Chinchou: Good

  20. Lanturn: Mid

  21. Pichu: Great

  22. Cleffa: Great

  23. Igglybuff: Good

  24. Togepi: Great

  25. Togetic: Great

  26. Natu: Great

  27. Xatu: Great

  28. Mareep: Great

  29. Flaaffy: Great

  30. Ampharos: Great

  31. Bellossom: Great

  32. Marill: Great

  33. Azumarill: Great

  34. Sudowoodo: Great

  35. Politoed: Great

  36. Hoppip: Great

  37. Skiploom: Mid

  38. Jumpluff: Great

  39. Aipom: Great

  40. Sunkern: Bad

  41. Sunflora: Great

  42. Yanma: Mid

  43. Wooper: Great

  44. Quagsire: Great

  45. Espeon: Great

  46. Umbreon: Great

  47. Murkrow: Great

  48. Slowking: Good

  49. Misdreavus: Great

  50. Unown: Mid

  51. Wobbuffet: Great

  52. Girafarig: Good

  53. Pineco: Mid

  54. Foretress: None

  55. Dunsparce: Mid

  56. Gligar: Good

  57. Steelix: Good [LORA by CranPeach]

  58. Snubbull: Mid

  59. Granbull: Good

  60. Qwilfish: Mid

  61. Scizor: Great

  62. Shuckle: Great

  63. Heracross: Great

  64. Sneasel: Great

  65. Teddiursa: Great

  66. Ursaring: Great

  67. Slugma: Bad

  68. Magcargo: Mid

  69. Swinub: Great

  70. Piloswine: None

  71. Corsola: Great

  72. Remoraid: None

  73. Octillery: Good

  74. Delibird: Great

  75. Mantine: Bad

  76. Skarmory: Good

  77. Houndour: Great

  78. Houndoom: Great

  79. Kingdra: Good

  80. Phanpy: Good

  81. Donphan: Mid

  82. Porygon2: Good

  83. Stantler: Mid

  84. Smeargle: Great

  85. Tyrogue: None

  86. Hitmontop: Mid

  87. Smoochum: Bad

  88. Elekid: Bad

  89. Magby: None

  90. Miltank: Great

  91. Blissey: Good [LORA by ShameSquid]

  92. Raikou: Mid [LORA by WhiteCaliberFox]

  93. Entei: Great

  94. Suicune: Great

  95. Larvitar: Good [LORA by Hino]

  96. Pupitar: None

  97. Tyranitar: Great

  98. Lugia: Great

  99. Ho-oh: Great

  100. Celebi: Great



  1. Treecko: Great

  2. Grovyle: Great

  3. Sceptile: Great

  4. Torchic: Great

  5. Combusken: Great

  6. Blaziken: Great

  7. Mudkip: Great

  8. Marshtomp: Good

  9. Swampert: Great

  10. Poochyena: Great

  11. Mightyena: Great

  12. Zigzagoon: Good

  13. Linoone: Great

  14. Wurmple: Mid

  15. Silcoon: Bad

  16. Beautifly: Good

  17. Cascoon: None

  18. Dustox: Mid

  19. Lotad: Mid

  20. Lombre: Mid

  21. Ludicolo: Mid

  22. Seedot: None

  23. Nuzleaf: Good

  24. Shiftry: Bad

  25. Taillow: Bad

  26. Swellow: Bad

  27. Wingull: Mid

  28. Pelipper: Bad

  29. Ralts: Great

  30. Kirlia: Great

  31. Gardevoir: Great

  32. Surskit: None

  33. Masquerain: Mid

  34. Shroomish: Good

  35. Breloom: Great

  36. Slakoth: Bad

  37. Vigoroth: None

  38. Slaking: Great

  39. Nincada: None

  40. Ninjask: None

  41. Shedinja: Great

  42. Whismur: Good

  43. Loudred: None

  44. Exploud: None

  45. Makuhita: None

  46. Hariyama: None

  47. Azurill: Good

  48. Nosepass: Good

  49. Skitty: Great

  50. Delcatty: Great

  51. Sableye: Great

  52. Mawile: Great

  53. Aron: None

  54. Lairon: Bad

  55. Aggron: Great

  56. Meditite: Mid

  57. Medicham: Great

  58. Electrike: Bad

  59. Manectric: Good

  60. Plusle: Great

  61. Minun: Great

  62. Volbeat: None

  63. Illumise: Bad

  64. Roselia: Great

  65. Gulpin: Good

  66. Swalot: Bad

  67. Carvanha: None

  68. Sharpedo: Great

  69. Wailmer: Good

  70. Wailord: Good

  71. Numel: Mid

  72. Camerupt: Mid

  73. Torkoal: Great

  74. Spoink: None

  75. Grumpig: Great

  76. Spinda: Great [LORA by Gaichu]

  77. Trapinch: Good

  78. Vibrava: None

  79. Flygon: Great

  80. Cacnea: Mid

  81. Cacturne: Good

  82. Swablu: Good

  83. Altaria: Great

  84. Zangoose: Great

  85. Seviper: Good [LORA by Hino]

  86. Lunatone: None

  87. Solrock: Good

  88. Barboach: None

  89. Whiscash: Mid

  90. Corphish: Bad

  91. Crawdaunt: Bad

  92. Baltoy: None

  93. Claydol: Bad

  94. Lileep: None

  95. Cradily: Good

  96. Anorith: None

  97. Armaldo: Bad

  98. Feebas: Mid

  99. Milotic: Great

  100. Castform: Mid

  101. Keckleon: Great

  102. Shuppet: Good

  103. Banette: Great

  104. Duskull: Good

  105. Dusclops: Mid

  106. Tropius: Good

  107. Chimecho: Good

  108. Absol: Great

  109. Wynaut: None

  110. Snorunt: Good

  111. Glalie: Mid

  112. Spheal: Great

  113. Sealeo: None

  114. Walrein: Bad

  115. Clamperl: None

  116. Huntail: None

  117. Gorebyss: Bad

  118. Relicanth: None

  119. Luvdisc: Mid

  120. Bagon: None

  121. Shelgon: None

  122. Salamence: Great

  123. Beldum: Good

  124. Metang: Bad

  125. Metagross: Great

  126. Regirock: Good

  127. Regice: Great

  128. Registeel: Great

  129. Latias: Great

  130. Latios: Great

  131. Kyogre: Good

  132. Groudon: Great

  133. Rayquaza: Good

  134. Jirachi: Great

  135. Deoxys: Great



  1. Turtwig: Good

  2. Grotle: Mid

  3. Torterra: Good

  4. Chimchar: Great

  5. Monferno: Mid

  6. Infernape: Great

  7. Piplup: Great

  8. Prinplup: Mid

  9. Empoleon: Great

  10. Starly: Good

  11. Staravia: Mid

  12. Staraptor: Great

  13. Bidoof: Great

  14. Bibarel: Mid

  15. Kricketot: Bad

  16. Kricketune: Bad [LORA by 3141145729]

  17. Shinx: Great

  18. Luxio: Great

  19. Luxray: Great

  20. Budew: Great

  21. Roserade: Great

  22. Cranidos: Bad

  23. Rampardos: Bad

  24. Shieldon: None

  25. Bastiodon: None

  26. Burmy: None

  27. Wormadam: None

  28. Mothim: Mid

  29. Combee: Mid

  30. Vespiquen: Great

  31. Pachirisu: Great

  32. Buizel: Great

  33. Floatzel: Great

  34. Cherubi: None

  35. Cherrim: Good

  36. Shellos: None

  37. Gastrodon: Good

  38. Ambipom: Mid

  39. Drifloon: Great

  40. Drifblim: Great

  41. Buneary: Great

  42. Lopunny: Great

  43. Mismagius: Great

  44. Honchkrow: Good

  45. Glameow: Great

  46. Purugly: Great

  47. Chingling: Good

  48. Stunky: Bad

  49. Skuntank: Mid

  50. Bronzor: None

  51. Bronzong: Mid

  52. Bonsly: Bad

  53. Mime jr.: Mid

  54. Happiny: Good

  55. Chatot: Good

  56. Spiritomb: Mid

  57. Gible: Great

  58. Gabite: Great

  59. Garchomp: Great

  60. Munchlax: Great

  61. Riolu: Great

  62. Lucario: Great

  63. Hippopotas: Bad

  64. Hippowdon: Bad

  65. Skorupi: None

  66. Drapion: Mid

  67. Croagunk: Great

  68. Toxicroak: Good

  69. Carnivine: Mid

  70. Finneon: None

  71. Lumineon: Bad

  72. Mantyke: None

  73. Snower: Mid

  74. Abomasnow: Bad

  75. Weavile: Great

  76. Magnezone: Good

  77. Lickilicky: Mid

  78. Rhyperior: Mid

  79. Tangrowth: Mid

  80. Electivire: Mid

  81. Magmortar: Bad

  82. Togekiss: Good

  83. Yanmega: Mid

  84. Leafeon: Great

  85. Glaceon: Great

  86. Gliscor: Good

  87. Mamoswine: Bad

  88. Porygon-Z: Good

  89. Gallade: Great

  90. Probopass: Bad

  91. Dusknoir: Great

  92. Froslass: Great

  93. Rotom: Mid

  94. Uxie: Great

  95. Mesprit: Great

  96. Azelf: Great

  97. Dialga: Great

  98. Primal Dialga: None

  99. Palkia: Great

  100. Heatran: Bad

  101. Regigigas: Good

  102. Altered Giratina: Great

  103. Origin Giratina: Good

  104. Cresselia: Great

  105. Phione: Bad

  106. Manaphy: Good

  107. Darkrai: Great

  108. Land Shaymin: Great

  109. Sky Shaymin: Great

  110. Arceus: Great



  1. Victini: Great

  2. Snivy: Great

  3. Servine: Great

  4. Serperior: Great

  5. Tepig: Great

  6. Pignite: Good

  7. Emboar: Good

  8. Oshawott: Great

  9. Dewott: Great

  10. Samurott: Great

  11. Patrat: Bad

  12. Watchog: None

  13. Lillipup: Mid

  14. Herdier: Bad

  15. Stoutland: Bad

  16. Purrloin: Great

  17. Liepard: Great

  18. Pansage: Good

  19. Simisage: None

  20. Pansear: Bad

  21. Simisear: Bad

  22. Panpour: Mid

  23. Simipour: Good

  24. Munna: Good

  25. Musharna: Great

  26. Pidove: Mid

  27. Tranquill: None

  28. Unfezant: None

  29. Blitzle: Good

  30. Zebrstika: Good

  31. Roggenrola: None

  32. Boldore: None

  33. Gigalith: Bad

  34. Woobat: Mid

  35. Swoobat: Mid

  36. Drillbur: None

  37. Excadrill: Great

  38. Audino: Great

  39. Timburr: None

  40. Gurdurr: None

  41. Conkledurr: None

  42. Tympole: None

  43. Palpitoad: None

  44. Seismitoad: Bad

  45. Throh: Bad

  46. Sawk: Bad

  47. Sewaddle: Bad

  48. Swadloon: Good

  49. Leavanny: Great

  50. Venipede: Mid

  51. Whirlipede: Mid

  52. Scolipede: Great

  53. Cottonee: Good

  54. Whimsicott: Great

  55. Petilil: Mid

  56. Lilligant: Great

  57. Basculin: None

  58. Sandile: Mid

  59. Krokorok: Mid

  60. Krookodile: Good

  61. Darumaka: Mid

  62. Darmanitan: Good

  63. Maractus: Great

  64. Dwebble: None

  65. Crustle: None

  66. Scraggy: Good

  67. Scrafty: Great

  68. Sigilyph: Bad

  69. Yamask: None

  70. Cofagrigus: Mid

  71. Tirtouga: None

  72. Carracosta: None

  73. Archen: Bad

  74. Archeops: Good

  75. Trubbish: Mid

  76. Garbodor: Mid

  77. Zorua: Great

  78. Zoroark: Great

  79. Minccino: Great

  80. Cinccino: Great

  81. Gothita: Bad

  82. Gothorita: Mid

  83. Gothitelle: Good

  84. Solosis: Mid

  85. Duosion: Mid

  86. Reuniclus: Great

  87. Ducklett: Mid

  88. Swanna: Good

  89. Vanillite: Good

  90. Vanillish: Mid

  91. Vanilluxe: Mid

  92. Deerling: Great

  93. Sawsbuck: Good

  94. Emolga: Great

  95. Karrablast: None

  96. Escavalier: Good

  97. Foongus: Bad

  98. Amoonguss: None

  99. Frillish: Mid

  100. Jellicent: Mid

  101. Alomomola: Bad

  102. Joltik: Good

  103. Galvantula: Good

  104. Ferroseed: None

  105. Ferrothorn: Bad [LORA by 3141145729] (Anthro/Anime girl)

  106. Klink: None

  107. Klang: None

  108. Klinklang: None

  109. Tynamo: None

  110. Eelektrik: None

  111. Eelektross: Mid

  112. Elgyem: Bad

  113. Beheeyem: Bad

  114. Litwick: Great

  115. Lampent: Mid

  116. Chandelure: Great

  117. Axew: Good

  118. Fraxure: None

  119. Haxorus: Great

  120. Cubchoo: Mid

  121. Beartic: Mid

  122. Cryogonal: Bad

  123. Shelmet: Bad

  124. Accelgor: Bad

  125. Stunfisk: None

  126. Mienfoo: Good

  127. Mienshao: Great

  128. Druddigon: Good

  129. Golett: Bad

  130. Golurk: Good

  131. Pawniard: Mid

  132. Bisharp: Great

  133. Bouffalant: Mid

  134. Rufflet: Mid

  135. Braviary: Good

  136. Vullaby: Mid

  137. Mandibuzz: Bad

  138. Heatmor: Bad

  139. Durant: None

  140. Deino: Mid

  141. Zweilous: Mid

  142. Hydreigon: Great

  143. Larvesta: Bad

  144. Volcarona: Great

  145. Cobalion: Mid [LORA by Ookamiiii]

  146. Terrakion: Bad

  147. Virizion: Great

  148. Incarnate Tornadus: Mid

  149. Therian Tornadus: Mid

  150. Incarnate Thundurus: Bad

  151. Therian Thundurus: Mid

  152. Reshiram: Great

  153. Zekrom: Great

  154. Incarnate Landorus: Bad

  155. Therian Landorus: Bad

  156. Kyurem: Mid

  157. White Kyurem: None

  158. Black Kyurem: Mid

  159. Ordinary Keldeo: Great

  160. Resolute Keldeo: Good

  161. Aria Meloetta: Great

  162. Pirouette Meloetta: Good

  163. Genesect: Mid



  1. Mega Venusaur: None

  2. Mega Charizard X: Great

  3. Mega Charizard Y: None

  4. Mega Blastoise: None

  5. Mega Beedrill: Bad

  6. Mega Pidgeot: Mid

  7. Mega Alakazam: Bad

  8. Mega Slowbro: None

  9. Mega Gengar: Mid

  10. Mega Kangaskhan: None

  11. Mega Pinsir: None

  12. Mega Gyarados: None

  13. Mega Aerodactyl: None

  14. Mega Mewtwo X: None

  15. Mega Mewtwo Y: Good

  16. Mega Ampharos: Good

  17. Mega Steelix: None

  18. Mega Scizor: Bad

  19. Mega Heracross: Bad

  20. Mega Houndoom: Bad

  21. Mega Tyranitar: Bad

  22. Mega Sceptile: Mid

  23. Mega Blaziken: Good

  24. Mega Swampert: None

  25. Mega Gardevoir: Great

  26. Mega Sableye: Good

  27. Mega Mawile: Great

  28. Mega Aggron: None

  29. Mega Medicham: Mid

  30. Mega Manectric: Mid

  31. Mega Sharpedo: Bad

  32. Mega Camerupt: Mid

  33. Mega Altaria: Good

  34. Mega Banette: Great

  35. Mega Absol: Great

  36. Mega Glalie: Mid

  37. Mega Salamence: Mid

  38. Mega Metagross: Good

  39. Mega Latias: None

  40. Mega Latios: None

  41. Primal Kyogre: Good

  42. Primal Groudon: Good

  43. Mega Rayquaza: Mid

  44. Mega Lopunny: Great

  45. Mega Garchomp: Good

  46. Mega Lucario: Great

  47. Mega Abomasnow: Bad

  48. Mega Gallade: Great

  49. Mega Audino: Good

  50. Chespin: Great

  51. Quilladin: Mid

  52. Chesnaught: Great

  53. Fennekin: Great

  54. Braixen: Great

  55. Delphox: Great

  56. Froakie: Great

  57. Frogadier: Good

  58. Greninja: Great

  59. Bunnelby: Mid

  60. Diggersby: Mid

  61. Fletchling: Good

  62. Fletchlinder: Bad

  63. Talonflame: Good

  64. Scatterbug: Bad

  65. Spewpa: Bad

  66. Vivillon: Great

  67. Litleo: Mid

  68. Pyroar: Good

  69. Flabébé: Mid

  70. Floette: Mid

  71. Florges: Good

  72. Skiddo: Mid

  73. Gogoat: Mid

  74. Pancham: Good

  75. Pangoro: Great

  76. Furfrou: Good

  77. Espurr: Great

  78. Male Meostic: Good

  79. Female Meowstic: Great

  80. Honedge: Bad

  81. Doublade: None

  82. Aegislash: Good

  83. Spritzee: Bad

  84. Aromatisse: Bad

  85. Swirlix: Good

  86. Slurpuff: Mid

  87. Inkay: Bad

  88. Malamar: Bad

  89. Binacle: None

  90. Barbacle: None

  91. Skrelp: None

  92. Dragalge: Bad

  93. Clauncher: None

  94. Clawitzer: None

  95. Helioptile: Good

  96. Heliolisk: Good

  97. Tyrunt: None

  98. Tyrantrum: Great

  99. Amaura: Bad

  100. Aurorus: Good

  101. Sylveon: Great

  102. Hawlucha: Great

  103. Dedenne: Great

  104. Carbink: Mid

  105. Goomy: Great

  106. Sliggoo: Good

  107. Goodra: Great

  108. Klefki: None

  109. Phantump: Great

  110. Trevenant: Good

  111. Pumpkaboo: Great

  112. Gourgeist: Good

  113. Bergmite: Good

  114. Avalugg: Bad

  115. Noibat: Great

  116. Noivern: Great

  117. Xerneas: Great

  118. Yveltal: Great

  119. Zygarde 50%: None

  120. Zygarde 10%: Mid

  121. Complete Zygarde: None

  122. Diancie: Great

  123. Mega Diancie: Good

  124. Hoopa Confined: Good

  125. Hoopa Unbound: None

  126. Volcanion: Bad



  1. Alolan Rattata: Great

  2. Alolan Raticate: Great

  3. Alolan Raichu: Great

  4. Alolan Sandshrew: Great

  5. Alolan Sandslash: Great

  6. Alolan Vulpix: Great

  7. Alolan Ninetales: Great

  8. Alolan Diglett: Great

  9. Alolan Dugtrio: Mid

  10. Alolan Meowth: Great

  11. Alolan Persian: Good

  12. Alolan Geodude: None

  13. Alolan Graveler: None

  14. Alolan Golem: None

  15. Alolan Grimer: Good

  16. Alolan Muk: Mid

  17. Alolan Exeggutor: Good

  18. Alolan Marowak: Good

  19. Rowlet: Great

  20. Dartrix: Good

  21. Decidueye: Great

  22. Litten: Great

  23. Torracat: Great

  24. Incineroar: Great

  25. Popplio: Great

  26. Brionne: Great

  27. Primarina: Great

  28. Pikipek: None

  29. Trumbeak: Bad

  30. Toucannon: Good

  31. Yungoos: Bad

  32. Gumshoos: Bad

  33. Grubbin: None

  34. Charjabug: Bad

  35. Vikavolt: Mid

  36. Crabrawler: None

  37. Crabominable: None

  38. Oricorio: Mid

  39. Cutiefly: Mid

  40. Ribombee: Great

  41. Rockruff: Great

  42. Midday Lycanroc: Great

  43. Midnight Lycanroc: Great

  44. Dusk Lycanroc: Great

  45. Solo Wishiwashi: Good [LORA by xerberus0]

  46. School Wishiwashi: Bad

  47. Mareanie: Great

  48. Toxapex: Bad

  49. Mudbray: Mid

  50. Mudsdale: Great

  51. Dewpider: Bad

  52. Araquanid: Bad

  53. Fomantis: Mid

  54. Lurantis: Great

  55. Morelull: Bad

  56. Shiinotic: None

  57. Salandit: Great

  58. Salazzle: Great

  59. Stufful: Good

  60. Bewear: Great

  61. Bounsweet: Great

  62. Steenee: Great

  63. Tsareena: Great

  64. Comfey: Bad

  65. Oranguru: Mid

  66. Passimian: Great

  67. Wimpod: Mid

  68. Golisopod: Great

  69. Sandyghast: Mid

  70. Palossand: Bad

  71. Pyukumuku: Great

  72. Type:Null: None

  73. Silvally: Good

  74. Minior: Mid

  75. Komala: Great

  76. Turtonator: Bad

  77. Togedemaru: Great

  78. Mimikyu: Great

  79. Bruxish: Bad

  80. Drampa: Good

  81. Dhelmise: Mid

  82. Jangmo-o: Mid

  83. Hakamo-o: None

  84. Kommo-o: Great

  85. Tapu koko: Good

  86. Tapu Lele: Great

  87. Tapu Bulu: None

  88. Tapu Fini: Good [LORA by WanoWano]

  89. Cosmog: Great

  90. Cosmoem: Mid

  91. Solgaleo: Great [LORA by J61]

  92. Lunala: Good

  93. Nihilego: Good

  94. Buzzwole: Good

  95. Pheromosa: Great

  96. Xurkitree: Mid

  97. Celesteela: Good

  98. Kartana: Mid

  99. Guzzlord: Bad

  100. Necrozma: Bad

  101. Ultra Necrozma: None

  102. Dusk Mane Necro: None

  103. Dawn Wings Necro: None

  104. Magearna: Great

  105. Marshadow: Good

  106. Poipole: Great

  107. Naganadel: Mid

  108. Stakataka: Bad

  109. Blacephalon: Mid [LORA by 3141145729] (Anthro/Anime girl)

  110. Zeraora: Great

  111. Meltan: Mid

  112. Melmetal: Bad


  1.  Galarian Meowth: Good

  2. Hisuian Growlithe: Great

  3. Hisuian Arcanine: Good

  4. Galarian Ponyta: Great

  5. Galarian Rapidash: Great

  6. Galarian Slowpoke: None

  7. Galarian Slowbro: None

  8. Galarian Farfetch'd: Good

  9. Hisuian Voltorb: Mid

  10. Hisuian Electrode: Mid

  11. Galarian Weezing: Mid

  12. Galarian Mr. Mime: Mid

  13. Galarian Articuno: Mid

  14. Galarian Zapdos: Great

  15. Galarian Moltres: Great

  16. Hisuian Typhlosion: Great

  17. Galarian Slowking: None

  18. Hisuian Qwilfish: None

  19. Hisuian Sneasel: Great

  20. Galarian Corsola: Mid

  21. Galarian Zigzagoon: Great

  22. Galarian Linoone: Mid

  23. Origin Dialga: None

  24. Origin Palkia: None

  25. Hisuian Samurott: Good

  26. Hisuian Lilligant: Mid

  27. Galarian Darumaka: Bad

  28. Galarian Darmanitan: Mid

  29. Galarian Yamask: None

  30. Hisuian Zorua: Great

  31. Hisuian Zoroark: Great

  32. Galarian Stunfisk: None

  33. Hisuian Braviary: Good

  34. Hisuian Sliggoo: Bad

  35. Hisuian Goodra: Good

  36. Hisuian Avalugg: None

  37. Hisuian Decidueye: Great

  38. Grookey: Great

  39. Thwackey: None

  40. Rillaboom: Great

  41. Scorbunny: Great

  42. Raboot: Great

  43. Cinderace: Great

  44. Sobble: Great

  45. Drizzile: Great

  46. Inteleon: Great

  47. Skwovet: None

  48. Greedent: Good

  49. Rookidee: Good

  50. Corvisquire: None

  51. Corviknight: Good

  52. Blipbug: Bad

  53. Dottler: None

  54. Orbeetle: Mid

  55. Nickit: Good

  56. Thievul: Good

  57. Gossifleur: Mid

  58. Eldegoss: Great

  59. Wooloo: Great

  60. Dubwool: Mid

  61. Chewtle: Mid

  62. Drednaw: Good

  63. Yamper: Great

  64. Boltund: Mid

  65. Rolycoly: None

  66. Carkol: None

  67. Coalossal: Mid

  68. Applin: Good

  69. Flapple: None

  70. Appletun: Mid

  71. Silicobra: Bad

  72. Sandaconda: Bad

  73. Cramorant: Good

  74. Arrokuda: Bad

  75. Barraskewda: None

  76. Toxel: Mid

  77. Amped Toxtricity: Great

  78. Low Key Toxtricity: Great

  79. Sizzlipede: Bad

  80. Centiskorch: Mid

  81. Clobbopus: Bad

  82. Grapploct: Bad

  83. Sinistea: Bad

  84. Polteageist: Good

  85. Hatenna: Good

  86. Hattrem: Good

  87. Hatterene: Great

  88. Impidimp: Good

  89. Morgrem: None

  90. Grimmsnarl: Good

  91. Obstagoon: Great

  92. Perrserker: None

  93. Cursola: Mid

  94. Sirfetch'd: Great

  95. Mr. Rime: None

  96. Runerigus: Mid

  97. Milcery: None

  98. Alcremie: Great

  99. Falinks: Good

  100. Pincurchin: Mid

  101. Snom: Good

  102. Frosmoth: Good

  103. Stonjourner: Bad

  104. Eiscue: Good

  105. Male Indeedee: None

  106. Female Indeedee: Good

  107. Full Morpeko: Great

  108. Hangry Morpeko: Great

  109. Cufant: Bad

  110. Copperajah: None

  111. Dracozolt: Mid

  112. Arctozolt: Mid

  113. Dracovish: Mid

  114. Arctovish: None

  115. Duraludon: Good

  116. Dreepy: Good

  117. Drakloak: Mid

  118. Dragapult: Great

  119. Hero Zacian: Good

  120. Crowned Zacian: Good

  121. Hero Zamazenta: Good

  122. Crowned Zamazenta: Good

  123. Eternatus: Mid

  124. Kubfu: Mid

  125. Urshifu: Great

  126. Zarude: Mid

  127. Regieleki: Mid

  128. Regidrago: Bad [LORA by 3141145729]

  129. Glastrier: Mid [LORA by Senkay_]

  130. Spectrier: Good [LORA by Senkay_]

  131. Calyrex: Good [LORA by Senkay_]

  132. Wrydeer: Bad

  133. Kleavor: Mid

  134. Ursaluna: Mid

  135. Basculegion: Mid

  136. Sneasler: Great

  137. Overqwil: None

  138. Therian Enamorous: Bad

  139. Incarnate Enamorous: None



  1. Paldean Tauros: None

  2. Paldean Wooper: Great

  3. Blood Moon Ursaluna: Bad

  4. Sprigatito: Great

  5. Floragato: Great

  6. Meowscarada: Great

  7. Fuecoco: Great

  8. Crocalor: None

  9. Skeledirge: Good

  10. Quaxly: Great

  11. Quaxwell: Good

  12. Quaquaval: Great

  13. Lechonk: Good

  14. Oinkologne: None

  15. Tarountula: Bad

  16. Spidops: Bad

  17. Nymble: None

  18. Lokix: None

  19. Pawmi: Great

  20. Pawmo: None

  21. Pawmot: Mid

  22. Tandemaus: None

  23. Maushold: Mid

  24. Fidough: Great

  25. Dachsbun: Good

  26. Smoliv: Great

  27. Dolliv: Mid

  28. Arboliva: Bad

  29. Squawkabilly: None

  30. Nacli: None

  31. Naclstack: None

  32. Garganacl: Bad

  33. Charchadet: Mid

  34. Armarouge: Great

  35. Ceruledge: Great

  36. Tadbulb: None

  37. Bellibolt: Great

  38. Wattrel: None

  39. Kilowattrel: None

  40. Maschiff: Bad

  41. Mabosstiff: Good

  42. Shroodle: None

  43. Grafaiai: Mid

  44. Bramblin: None

  45. Brambleghast: None

  46. Toedscool: None

  47. Toedscruel: None

  48. Klawf: None

  49. Capsakid: None

  50. Scovillain: Bad

  51. Rellor: None

  52. Rabsca: Bad

  53. Flittle: None

  54. Espathra: Mid

  55. Tinkatink: None

  56. Tinkatuff: None

  57. Tinkaton: Great

  58. Wiglett: Good

  59. Wugtrio: None

  60. Bombirdier: None

  61. Finizen: None

  62. Palafin: Mid

  63. Varoom: None

  64. Revavroom: Bad

  65. Cyclizar: Good

  66. Orthworm: Bad

  67. Glimmet: None

  68. Glimmora: Bad

  69. Greavard: Great

  70. Houndstone: None

  71. Flamigo: Mid

  72. Cetoddle: Good

  73. Cetitan: Mid

  74. Veluza: None

  75. Dondozo: None

  76. Tatsugiri: Good [LORA by Thijs]

  77. Annihilape: Bad

  78. Clodsire: Great

  79. Farigiraf: Good

  80. Dudunsparce: None

  81. Kingambit: Mid

  82. Great Tusk: None

  83. Scream Tail: None

  84. Brute Bonnet: None

  85. Flutter Mane: Good

  86. Slither Wing: Good

  87. Sandy Shocks: None

  88. Iron Treads: Bad

  89. Iron Bundle: None

  90. Iron Hands: None

  91. Iron Jugulis: Bad

  92. Iron Moth: Bad

  93. Iron Thorns: None

  94. Frigibax: None

  95. Arctibax: None

  96. Baxcalibur: None

  97. Gimmighoul: Mid

  98. Gholdengo: Great

  99. Wo-Chien: None

  100. Chien-Pao: Good

  101. Ting-Lu: None

  102. Chi-Yu: Bad

  103. Roaring Moon: None

  104. Iron Valiant: Good

  105. Koraidon: Great

  106. Miraidon: Great

  107. Walking Wake: Good

  108. Iron Leaves: None

  109. Dipplin: Bad

  110. Poltchageist: Mid

  111. Sinistcha: Bad

  112. Okidogi: None

  113. Munkidori: None

  114. Fezandipiti: Bad

  115. Ogerpon: Great

  116. Archaludon: Mid

  117. Hydrapple: Mid

  118. Gouging Fire: None

  119. Raging Bolt: Bad

  120. Iron Boulder: None

  121. Iron Crown: None

  122. Terapagos: None

  123. Pecharunt: Mid


